Friday, January 1, 2010

two oh ten

Happy 2010, dears.

2009 taught me A. LOT. Do I wish certain things were different right this moment? Well of course.  But things are as they are, and they will be as I make them, and as we make them, and thoughtfulness and wisdom and guesses at what wisdom might look like will be, I think, the keys to 2010.


Deeper compassion: for others and myself
Stronger conviction: for all those causes I rally for slash against
Truer truthiness.
Sans murder: Thou shall not kill thy neighbors, nor steal and pawn their wah-wah pedals.
Symbolism: Sometimes I feel I have little else to offer to certain causes.
Dance Parties and Karaoke: Few things please me as well with so little cost to my pocketbook/modesty.
School: Harder, faster, better.

Temptation: Mastered? From time to time. Acknowledged.

Teeth: Flossed.

I think you're wonderful and I hope 2009 was not so terrible as everyone makes it out to have been, and I hope 2010 is better still.

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